![]() It has been a crazy season for illness! Everyone I talk to has had multiple and lingering illnesses. It is so frustrating and hard to promote healing and wellness when in fact I am not well. On a good day my self-talk sounds a little like this: Well, I’m human and I have not been very healing in my lifestyle lately. I just need to change some things and keep picturing myself well and my immune system as strong. But on a bad or weak day it goes something like this” Sick again! What is my problem?! Why is this happening to me right now – everything is moving along so well in other areas of my life…why, why, why! It is really easy to go into fear mode or self-pity when we don’t feel good. Which starts the downward spiral. Also I observed my ego kicking in, feeling my own judgement towards myself and imagined from others. Which is all surface based, fear and spirit destruction. I teach the opposite and I usually can stay in a higher realm of thought, but these back to back illnesses have me beaten down. There must be a lesson here for me. As I began to meditate on this question for a couple of days, I got my answer. As always I have to be challenged and go through things so that I can teach others how to go through it while remaining in a higher vibration. I just let go of keeping myself mentally in a high vibration. It is all too easy to punish ourselves. Our minds are programmed this way. The lingering or reoccurring imbalances, I believe were my inability to stave off this resistance. This resistance to love and acceptance that would allow my system to stay in strong vibration. Everything in the universe is a frequency/vibration. Our thoughts and feelings carry resonance which attract like things (vibration/frequency) into our world. Staying strong mentally when I don’t feel good takes a tremendous amount of focus. I have to read/listen to things that resonate with complete health. The minute I allow resistance to come in all of that good vibration stops dead in its tracks. My resistance in the case of my latest infection that has lingered is fear based. If we listen our body’s are talking to us in more profound and powerful ways than imaginable - if we take the time to listen. I think that is where I failed myself. I was getting so busy not leaving a moment to spare for myself. When I had to stop because my body stopped me, I had no other choice but to listen. But my resistance kept up the fight. I took me some time but I had a couple of things going on: 1) Fear of public speaking – of showing my face, of facing this fear. Hence the skin infection on my face which started a week before I began a public speaking course! 2) Going into a state of self-pity why me.. why this again… When this track gets mentally established it will keep going until I throw a wrench in it by looking at what is really going on beneath the surFACE. Taking copious antibiotics is finally helping too. I hate taking them but when you need to they can help get back into alignment with wellness. I am for cooperative care not alternative. It is because of the way I was raised one day I believe that I will be so good at keeping my vibration strong that I won’t ever get sick. Until then I keep at it just like everyone else yet looking deeper into the underlying mental/emotional layers that most miss is where the real balance lies. As we do start to recognize that how we think about our illness and our wellness, we begin to establish a more powerful relationship to the resonance that we are creating and can learn to wield it in our favor. The most important lesson for me here is taking the time no matter what to connect, to listen to give myself time to re-balance. This is how we love ourselves. And when we are in the highest vibration of Love – fear cannot exist! I've decided to begin a meditation class to help us all stay in higher vibration! Send me an email if you are interested in attending this and future clases!
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![]() How do I make better choices, grow and move forward even when the routine of life seems to be the same day in and day out? It's true life can seem mundane sometimes and that there is no room for anything different. Remember that our inner world creates the outer world so it is important that we do some work to weed out what isn't working and consciously make shifts and new choices to move the outer world in ways that are in alignment with who we really are and what we really want to create. The creating is happening anyway... why not participate! “You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” ~Deepak Chopra Everyday we are processing billions of bits of information, thoughts and emotions, which can easily lead to overwhelm, burn out or numbing to ignore. There is a technique I use to process my days that you might find useful too. Before I go to sleep I run a semi fast forward version of my day. I use semi fast forward because I don't want to linger or get caught up in any certain one moment or any emotional attachments. What I am looking for are my choices in the instances of my day and there are always a few that stick out. I then ask some questions and commend myself on growth. If I snapped at someone or was short for instance, I will go back and ask myself "What was going on inside of me in that moment and how can I choose something more towards growth/inner alignment right now and the next time?" I also notice where I see that I have grown and give props to myself. So important to notice change and growth in this conscious evolution. This practice has made me become more aware in the moments of my day and to meet personal development goals along the way. We can change in the moment by making up a new scenario that is in better alignment. Remember our subconscious mind does not know the difference between what we call real and what we call make believe! So when we think of our day, body, life in whatever way - it automatically responds on a cellular level! Very cool especially if we are aware... This means that with our thinking, feeling and moving from our hearts we can go back and hit the RE-DO button and shift aspects of our day towards growth and our being will actually respond and grow in that way. Because of the energy behind it we can actually shift with our vibration (better choice is always a higher vibration) instantly! This is why it is absolutely VITAL that we do not EVER beat ourselves up - no need - just choose to change it in an instant! This is not wishful thinking - this is true and real - based on real scientific findings in physics and the medical field. Our bodies respond to our thoughts instantly on a cellular level! I work with people on this level through my practice everyday to bring about healing in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. I can move vertebrae, ribs and other bones into alignment working in this way. We have so much power over our bodies and lives. First we must mentally shift, release disbelief or event just suspend it. Second, we must remove our attention from all the things we don't want and only focus on what we do want. Third, attach a visual and emotion. Lastly, release it into the field, God space or Universe and know that it is already done. We have so much power in shaping ourselves and others instantly with thinking, intention, emotion, words and actions. It is incredible, healing, REAL and absolutely accessible to everyone! So as we go through our daily routines that seldom seem to change, we can continually be developing based on how we respond, how we choose to RE-DO those moments of our day and how we choose to utilize this creative role that is our birthright! I surround you in the eternal sunshine of your ever creating mind XOXO |