Upper Back
Are you experiencing shortness of breath or unable to fully inhale? Do your shoulders roll forward? Do you have a premature curvature or hump? Is it difficult for you to stand or sit up straight? Do you have chronic pain in-between your shoulder blades? Do you have sudden weakness in one of your arms or both? If yes, then you may respond well to my Upper Back Program.
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 1:
- I look at overall posture and gate. Brief individual history on aliment.
- Once I align with your energy field and physically feel I will be able to determine an exact plan for you individually.
- I look for misalignment in the rib-cage, shoulder girdle, and thoracic vertebrae.
- Through touch, I will begin to loosen muscles that have been holding incorrectly or that are over stressed.
Phase 2:
- Through energy work, I will begin to align thoracic vertebrae ribs and shoulder girdle.
- Emotionally I question to see what might be held here to be released energetically.
- I will continue with massage allowing full release and rerouting muscles to hold in a new way supporting correct alignment.
Phase 3:
- Identify and release the emotional & mental blocks that may have attributed to misalignment.
- We tend to hold our emotions in different ways manifesting somewhere in our bodies.
- I help you to identify, release and reprogram through the subconscious.
Phase 4:
- At this point, we are looking to make sure muscles are reprogrammed for new holding patterns.
- I work with you on a personalized self-care program which includes exercises: mental physical and spiritual for maintaining correct alignment.
Take the bull by the horns...don't live with your pain any longer!
Schedule with me today.
Schedule with me today.