The world is crazy. Full of violence, greed, and hatred. It has always been and may always be. What if we could change the world by not impulsively reacting to what is pushed into the foreground by the media and instead seek to focus on the love, joy, and unity that is at the core of all creation? A vibrational shift occurs based on how we feel moment to moment that is shaping our lives and the world around us based solely on how we choose to perceive it.
Looking through love gives us a heightened awareness and a reason for being. Because it is through our understanding of our own true selves (LOVE) that we come into really BEING in this world. Otherwise, we are just going through the motions missing the depth of beauty that is constantly and readily available to us. It is attained simply by a quantum leap in consciousness called choosing love. Love/Oneness/Unity is the highest vibration in the entire Universe and each person has direct access to this healing and aligning vibration through the field of the heart. By tapping into this vibration we can heal ourselves and others. It is our birthright to know how to do this. Children do it naturally until the fear that is taught out-weighs this innate ability. When I work with clients who are ready for a shift, a quantum leap is made within, it can happen instantly and it feels as if they are seeing with new eyes. Making giant leaps towards Oneness/Love/God within frees us more from the ties of the illusion, we think to be real. As those ties begin to loosen a whole year of growth can take place in an instant! Everything is a vibration/frequency. If the highest frequency is love then the lowest is fear. Derivatives of fear include hate, violence, depression, anxiety and whatever else feels bad. Staying in a low frequency or vibratory pattern for a significant amount of time will allow dis-ease or worse to establish in the physical. It is important to learn how to shift vibration to allow/create a state of well-being. Meditation has helped me to tap into this handy trick of shifting my vibration. It is a fine balance of being the observer and the observed. Being able to process the conformity of survival and the freedom within the true part of ourselves, which we keep for the most part in the background, to create a symbiotic relationship where we begin to be able to detach consciously to be in the moment when needed to be the observer and go along the societal pathways when needed. “Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.” ~Barbara De Angelis I fight the conformity within regularly and I do so by simply saying to myself "What would LOVE do now?" When I say LOVE I am meaning the ONEness/God-consciousness/Source part of our true selves held hostage by our physical need to conform, to be accepted. Conformity breeds fear and surrenders us to an empty cycle of doing and having rather than discovering the truth of our BEING!!! When I simply say this phrase it takes me instantly out of my head and into my heart. When I am in my heart it is like being able to see the cardinals because of the snow, looking through love heads a wisdom at the core of everything. It can be described as the Universal Intelligence - the Source - Divine Wisdom - One - God. Love is so intensely powerful and the conscious thought to move from love will take you there in an instant. Try it! Especially useful in a situation where the ego is vying for control. Letting go in love brings fantastic nuances to light in an otherwise dark or struggling situation. Allowing ourselves to trust in this comes easily as we begin to practice and really witness the uncanny results. Remember, that in the big scheme of things in the REAL REALITY which is LOVE nothing else matters. And we only gain this perspective by practicing this and looking back through retrospect where the pathway seems so clear: this had to happen so this could come into being.... I recommend putting up a sign where you look at it daily maybe several times a day that says "What would LOVE do now?" I have talked about this statement in other posts and it is worthy of more mentions because it was this simple phrase that led me to bypass time and living in the balance of my being.
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