I’ve spoken to a lot of my clients and friends recently who feel tired, anxious and lonely. I wish to address these results by talking about the cause.
We are energetic beings our energy is directly impacted by the frequencies/vibrations from the collective/mass consciousness as well as our immediate environments frequency. And we all know that FEAR, SADNESS and no end in sight are the major vibratory pattern. The fact is that what we are experiencing we have never experienced before so we do not have a built-in response. It is taking an immense amount of energy just to navigate how to cope. Work/no work, money/security, life and death, separation, homeschooling and so on … the fear that underlines all of these is causing a tremendous amount of stress whether you recognize it as such or not. All of this stress is a drain energetically. Right now, we are all depleted and our system is looking to be restored, but the underlying fear of the unknown immediately empties any restoration reserves that we try to put into place. This leaves us all vulnerable to a compromised immune system. I have been going up and down with all of this too until I realized that I am allowing it to guide me. And I know better. I am the creator of my life!!! So, we must remember our power to create beyond our current circumstances. Because energy is always in motion change is easily accessible. The key though is in the feeling= vibration/frequency. What is the desired result that you can hold in your vision? We must act on the assumption that we already have all we desire. Hold this without a doubt. Know in your heart that it is already created. "Believe that ye shall receive and ye shall receive.”
![]() This is a letter to all of my Democrat and liberal friends who are sad and filled with hatred towards our current administration. You will never hear me speak politically and even here I am speaking in energetic terms. Your feelings are absolutely justified, and missing the mark with your power. I just learned that the words evil/sin were interpretations lost in translation from the original language of the bible. In Aramaic, the language of Jesus and the disciples sin/evil in the time of Jesus meant missing the mark. Do you feel how different the energy is behind missing the mark and evil/sin?! I believe that if it was never misunderstood that there would be a whole lot less fear and all lower vibration ugliness that is now mainstream in our collective consciousness. Do you know why Mother Theresa never agreed to attend or to be associated with any movement called a fight against hunger? She understood the natural law of the universe. She understood that fighting against anything creates more of what is being fought against. Because every persons power is in the feeling behind their focus. Say, I am fighting hunger feel what vibration then say, I am feeding the hungry. Very different frequency/vibration. “Everything is energy and that's all there is. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ![]() If we want to really change things we have to turn our focus completely towards what we want to happen and on the people who are doing the good in the world. Taking your attention off of who and what you hate will detach the power from moving in that direction. It sounds so simple but is not easy especially when you are passionate about what is happening. If you are at all aware of what I am saying is true then you have to shift your focus now! And you have to stop fueling what you don't want to happen! You must be the guard dog of your power and stop fueling the destruction! Turn your attention and focus on who and what is working. If everyone who passionately hates what is happening did this I believe we would see a dramatic change in our country! What if you did this in all areas of your life? What would happen? We have grossly misinterpreted our own power and our part in EVERYTHING. Please spread the word and lets make real change! If you are interested in shifting your power towards the greater good in all areas of life please call me to set up a free consultation 502-365-6763. The world is crazy. Full of violence, greed, and hatred. It has always been and may always be. What if we could change the world by not impulsively reacting to what is pushed into the foreground by the media and instead seek to focus on the love, joy, and unity that is at the core of all creation? A vibrational shift occurs based on how we feel moment to moment that is shaping our lives and the world around us based solely on how we choose to perceive it.
Looking through love gives us a heightened awareness and a reason for being. Because it is through our understanding of our own true selves (LOVE) that we come into really BEING in this world. Otherwise, we are just going through the motions missing the depth of beauty that is constantly and readily available to us. It is attained simply by a quantum leap in consciousness called choosing love. Love/Oneness/Unity is the highest vibration in the entire Universe and each person has direct access to this healing and aligning vibration through the field of the heart. By tapping into this vibration we can heal ourselves and others. It is our birthright to know how to do this. Children do it naturally until the fear that is taught out-weighs this innate ability. When I work with clients who are ready for a shift, a quantum leap is made within, it can happen instantly and it feels as if they are seeing with new eyes. Making giant leaps towards Oneness/Love/God within frees us more from the ties of the illusion, we think to be real. As those ties begin to loosen a whole year of growth can take place in an instant! Everything is a vibration/frequency. If the highest frequency is love then the lowest is fear. Derivatives of fear include hate, violence, depression, anxiety and whatever else feels bad. Staying in a low frequency or vibratory pattern for a significant amount of time will allow dis-ease or worse to establish in the physical. It is important to learn how to shift vibration to allow/create a state of well-being. Meditation has helped me to tap into this handy trick of shifting my vibration. It is a fine balance of being the observer and the observed. Being able to process the conformity of survival and the freedom within the true part of ourselves, which we keep for the most part in the background, to create a symbiotic relationship where we begin to be able to detach consciously to be in the moment when needed to be the observer and go along the societal pathways when needed. “Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.” ~Barbara De Angelis I fight the conformity within regularly and I do so by simply saying to myself "What would LOVE do now?" When I say LOVE I am meaning the ONEness/God-consciousness/Source part of our true selves held hostage by our physical need to conform, to be accepted. Conformity breeds fear and surrenders us to an empty cycle of doing and having rather than discovering the truth of our BEING!!! When I simply say this phrase it takes me instantly out of my head and into my heart. When I am in my heart it is like being able to see the cardinals because of the snow, looking through love heads a wisdom at the core of everything. It can be described as the Universal Intelligence - the Source - Divine Wisdom - One - God. Love is so intensely powerful and the conscious thought to move from love will take you there in an instant. Try it! Especially useful in a situation where the ego is vying for control. Letting go in love brings fantastic nuances to light in an otherwise dark or struggling situation. Allowing ourselves to trust in this comes easily as we begin to practice and really witness the uncanny results. Remember, that in the big scheme of things in the REAL REALITY which is LOVE nothing else matters. And we only gain this perspective by practicing this and looking back through retrospect where the pathway seems so clear: this had to happen so this could come into being.... I recommend putting up a sign where you look at it daily maybe several times a day that says "What would LOVE do now?" I have talked about this statement in other posts and it is worthy of more mentions because it was this simple phrase that led me to bypass time and living in the balance of my being. Well, It's just one of the most important muscle groups in the body, connecting the upper and lower halves. Made up of the psoas major and the iliacus. Also referred to as the hip flexor. We don't think about these muscles unless we become aware of how they work and what to look for when they are out of balance. I have many clients coming to me with sciatica and lower back pain unknowing of the role that these 2 muscles play. I always say that sciatica is my specialty because it is typically an easy fix if the client is also doing the work I prescribe. Because the psoas attaches to T12 the lower spine can feel compacted when this muscle is tight. It can also pull vertebrae/hips out of alignment. Here are my favorite Iliopsoas stretches: ![]() This stretch can be done with the back leg in a lunge position with knee pointing straight down and then raising same arm, on the lunging leg side, straight up then back a few inches until the intense stretch is felt. I recommend using a chair for balance. ![]() This is a good one for people who are experiencing knee pain or cannot put pressure on their knees. Same as above - you can add the arm in and a chair for balance. ![]() This is a great one that can also be done in a chair you would just lean straight back forward to feel stretch. Important to use muscular strength of legs to perform stretch rather than pulling with your arms. Also flexing the foot of the leg crossing over is essential for keeping the knee join protected. ![]() This is a personal favorite! Only do this if you have good balance. I like to make an X with arms and legs to ensure more stability. You can also lay frontward over the ball with bent legs out like a frog... releasing core and giving a lower lumbar release. When in this position you can put your elbows into the ball while completely relaxing lower half for a deeper stretch. ![]() This is a great one if your lower back is locking up and it hurts to sit. It is less intense but will help release. can be done on the bed too just move to the edge. ![]() If you are a client of mine then I have already insisted that you buy a dense foam roller. Here you place the roller on your sacrum - not on lower lumbar! You can also do the happy baby yoga pose on the roller which feels really good. Only do this if you are not experiencing back pain. All of these stretches are good but may not be good for your situation. So proceed with caution and listen to your body! If something causes pain do not do it. If the stretch feels good then it is good for you. We are all at different levels of physical shape and injury history so, if you are uncertain then consult a professional before trying these to make sure it is indeed your iliopsoas.
If you have a combination of the above symptoms give me a call today to set up a session to test your iliopsoas! “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” ~Albert Einstein Imagination. Imagination... IMAGINATION!!! This is it, the key to unlocking the potential of the Universe that is within everything! Yep, it is that simple that is why nobody gets it;) We spend our lives unlearning the natural codes to life and make everything so darn complicated that when something so simple comes along we laugh and say, "Well, that can't possibly be the answer, it's too easy." I love it when clients tell me that they can't imagine or can't visualize because it is such an easy fix. To a female I'll ask, "What did you wear yesterday?" and of course she will look up to recall in her visual memory picturing herself yesterday. See how easy that was...! For males I ask, "What did you eat for lunch yesterday?" Same thing. Everyone dreams and everyone can imagine! Imagination is defined as the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses. Imagination is our greatest tool in the creative consciousness. Imagine that this field of energy (force, field of consciousness, God, Spirit, Universe - doesn't matter what you call it) is the blank canvas and the images we project upon with our thoughts and images, actually become the world around us. I can actually point out from where in my thinking things around me have appeared. Can you? The thing about manifesting the life that you want, that most people aren't aware of is that there has to be mental conditioning behind the desire that disallows anything, feeling or thought to negate or oppose the thing desired. Then, even behind the mental work is the spiritual, the knowing that there is a perfection in this unknown force that is the fabric existing behind all that we perceive to be real. If there is any doubt or opposing thought - the desired manifestation will be neutralized. It cannot come into being. What we get instead is confusion, static, feeling stuck, mixed messages arriving on our canvas. So, how would one do 'mental conditioning', if one were so inclined to have all that one desired actually show up...? "If we do not control thought, it will control us." ~Ernest Holmes #1 The best way I have found to condition the mind is to take out any negative thought by replacing it with a positive truth. Let's say for example, I know I am a great painter and desire to sell my work, but I have this old negative thought that comes up that says "they don't really value it" I am cancelling out the manifestation of selling my work. So my mental conditioning is to find the truth. The truth is that there are plenty of people who will and who won't! So, I can get rid of that thought by replacing it with I will to sell my work to the billions of people who will value it. Truth automatically cancels out the lies our inferior selves come up with. To be GREAT we must go beyond these thoughts! Stop all thinking that negates the magic of life. Take can't and try out of your vocabulary. Allow your mind to think of the unthinkable. Allow magic to happen and possibilities to explode into reality! First get a handle on what is rolling around in that mind of yours and take the bull by the horns. #2 Use the beautiful canvas in your minds eye to see yourselves doing the thing you desire. Really important to add to the picture::: FEELING. Create a feeling inside attached to the picture of excitement rising up in your belly, like what happens naturally on the climb of a roller coaster ride:) See it, watch it like a movie - see action happening - feel it - speak it and know it. Whatever we can IMAGINE we can have. What do you imagine for yourself? Is the picture you have in your mind someone else's or yours? Is it congruent with your desires now? Does it align with who you are and who you are becoming? Really? Be very honest with yourself here - very important that it is connected in your truth. #3 The third is of course in the realm of Spirit. We must see that behind all is the undeniable force - the fabric of all creation, which is perfect, which has no doubt or judgment unless we place it there, which denies us nothing unless we deny ourselves. It only knows how to create, to provide. "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ~Albert Einstein Imagination is what created knowledge in the first place! It has always come first! What if no one imagined electricity, automobile, cell phones, Google... Everything starts with imagination if we hone in on our imaging and all that goes with it to help support then we can really have it all.
How do high achievers achieve??? They first imagine themselves already having achieved what it is and they act as if it IS already. This is another part of knowing that doesn't get explained well. You've heard people say - "Act as if..." Have you wondered what in the hell they were talking about??? If we don't feel something is true then we are just "acting". If we believe in the perfection of spirit and that it has received a CLEAR message from our mind-heart then we can act as if it has already been done because this is the Universal Truth. We must let go knowing that the details are already being worked out and will show up when cooked to perfection! Remember the field/subconscious does not differentiate between what we call reality and what we call make believe. It acts instantly on our thought before we could even speak it. (Be careful what you allow yourself to think!) Once we tap into the real part of ourselves and use the energy for our highest good and the highest good of those around us we have all the knowledge of the ages open to us. By unlocking our greater potential using the tool of imagination we have the power to go beyond what we now think of as our possibility. Using our imagination is important. I say using because we can't just assume the picture that comes first is the one that we really want. Ask yourself, is this really it how can I see this bigger? How can I stretch my own imagination to encompass something even greater for myself? And keep going until you feel you have it - you can always enhance it each time you bring it up on the canvas. If you could paint your life to be anything, what colors would you use? What imagery would you incorporate? What feelings are attached there? Have fun with these and really PLAY with your imagination!!! Let us all realize our power is one step to the left of our current thinking, a half turn of the dial, a small shift in perspective or a letting go to let in. The real reality is so very simple yet we allow the illusion to complicate and dictate against the natural truth that will always reign within. I help clients get to their truth and break free from the illusion of limitation. Schedule a free call with me today! ![]() Values define a belief system. Most people learn their base value system in early childhood which carries them through the rest of their lives. The problem with this is that the values taught may be creating beliefs that are no longer serving you. It is important to take a look at your current values and where you want to be, redefine which ones are working and the ones that need to change. 4 steps to identifying and shifting the values that are no longer serving you: 1) Where am I stuck in moving toward my goals? Is there something you have wanted to accomplish for a long time but haven’t been able to move towards it for whatever reason? Write out the goals first and see what feelings these goals generate. Now, backtrack to the fear that is behind those feelings or the point at which you get stuck. 2) What belief am I getting hung up on? Is there a belief like: I am not good enough, or I’ve never been able to complete what I start, or a fear of your goal disconnecting you from family/friends? What is the belief that is stopping your momentum? 3) Once the belief is uncovered it is easier to identify the values that need to be upgraded. For example if my fear is that I am not going to be successful then my values around my success are out of whack and need to be shifted. 4) To shift these values simply write out what values would support your success. Redefine how success will look for you if your values were different. Create a new story and the new belief will come out of this new view. It is amazing how quickly this process can change everything in your life! I have seen clients make tremendous shifts in their outlook and belief systems allowing them to reach their goals in a matter of weeks. In my Soul Reboot Program I take clients through a personalized process to unveil and recreate a system that leads to a happier more successful life. Call me to Today to set up a Free call to find out how you can achieve anything your heart desires! Click here to learn more. |